Soul Not For Sale does its first market!!

Soul Not For Sale does its first market!!

I am going to be super transparent in this blog post. I never want to hide the reality of doing business and not everything is as you imagine. BUT, as per my previous blog post, God works in ways we never anticipate and works all things together for good.

The opportunity to be at a market popped up and I thought, WHY NOT!? There is nothing to lose at all. For me, it was not about making sales, more the opportunity to connect with others and meet new people.

Now let me be clear: by the end of the night I had sold NOTHING. Well my best friend did roll through & buy a mug which was amazing but other than that, nothing. For many this could have been a super defeating moment, and yes of course it would have been super cool if I had many sales BUT this was an opportunity to just give something a go and learn from it.

I met a few really awesome people, had some great chats and made some good connections. Being able to speak with a few people about Jesus is exactly what Soul Not For Sale is about. The market itself was super quiet, I think I would be pushing it in saying there were about 100 people who came through.

After 3 hours, my sister and I had taken lots of cool pictures, had some laughs and chats with new people and then packed up to drive home. Reflecting on the night I am proud of stepping out of my comfort zone and giving something a go.

So the lesson: do not be discouraged in moments that may not go the way you think. And you never know who you might encounter.


“Do not be afraid or discouraged. The Lord is with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9

This was a humbling experience, but one I can reflect in and be proud of. In the days after it was so cool to receive a message from someone I met at the market who had purchased a tee online. How cool is that. That is the beauty of taking an opportunity and being open to learning!

I am not ruling markets out!! I look forward to doing another market at some point.

Until the next blog post, have a wonderful day.

Claud x


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